16 Sixteen Word Stories in 2016

1. Frauds

Abe drew his knife. “Is he looking?”, the boy whispered.

“I hope so”, the father said.

2. Kindness at Zombie town

Blood trickling down. The old man lent his umbrella.

They don’t eat what they don’t see.

3. Long Journey

“Goodness needs no intent.’ The co-passenger said waving my purse at me.

‘Next time, I buy.”

4. Mary

Upon hearing Mary said, “John ain’t my son, Isaiah. You are. Come down…look after me.”

5. World Cruise

My penis envy was not apparent till I married a Filipino girl on a world cruise.

6. Gravity of a Romance

Without looking away from the apple, Issac said, “Could you wait, Kathy, till I solve this?”

7. Royal Affair

Kalpurnia sobbed, “Big breasts?”

“No, no”, Caesar said.

“Tall? Lascivious?”

“No freaking way.”


“A teenager.”

8. Broken Roof

When Mt. Everest melted, Kalki was at Pamir. Water poured in to fill up the roof.

9. Laughing Matter

‘Haha,’ thought the mother hyena. One thing to kill the woman.

The baby would be another.

10. Sixteen and Counting

“One… Two…”

“What you counting?”

“Words in my novel.”

“Really? How far could you go?”


11. R2-D2

D’Qar bound, R2-D2 bleeped, ‘It’s not that I don’t feel regret. Just that regret repairs nothing.’

12. Dear Santa

Dear Santa,

When the children are asleep, I stay awake.
For my gift.

– A good father

13. A Poet’s Sexuality

‘A poet’s sexuality is a strange thing’: Neruda wrote in the morning and snored all night.

14. Time Pass

“Kiss me.’ the dragon nudged the princess. ‘There isn’t much to do till the prince arrives.”

15. Bad Dreams

Putting children asleep, Mrs. Goebbles had a terrible vision. That she had crept inside their dreams.

16. Blind Lane

One lane. One house. One tree. The tree jumps. The house giggles. The lane turns blind.